Saturday, June 22, 2013



I have decided to question my thoughts about men, women, violence and human nature. You can deny love all you want, kick and scream if you want, but you probably won't change my heart.

I am done being paralyzed with fear.

LIFE is much more pleasant when I don't blame others for what I make of it. I no longer waste my time thinking others are at fault if my mind is not at peace. 

Yes, I am angry at times.

I have shared much time and space with violent men; I was raised by them. 
I was raised by a violent woman as well.

And I too, can be quite a nightmare sometimes, I am accountable.

 I know how challenging it is to be happy when our existence keeps on providing us with experiences that beat us to the ground. I know that it's possible to feel gratitude instead after all , and to allow everything the space to be questioned, including our own beliefs.

The moment I observe MY OWN mind, the minute I realize I am not separate, the world changes dramatically. I take responsibility for perceiving and experiencing my own life, it is a reflection of my own mind.  

Believe me, believe me not, it's up to you. If it suits you to be a victim, be my guest.


There is power in accepting what is. What remains after my story is not going to change by having a temper tantrum. I have experienced this for myself, I am not parroting...


If you have the guts to sit with what you see in your own mind, congratulations.

I am not telling you to remain at the mercy of violent men. 
I am telling you that power resides in you!

I know how difficult it is to deal with some people, men and women. I have rebelled and fought back often. I have decided to claim my space on this planet and to be happy, but fighting is exhausting. We also need to rest.

 I am very clear now that a solution lives within ME.

If you come to share stories of abuse, your pain and suffering, know that I will hold space for it all.

That being said
I LOVE men, and everything about them, so don't expect me to be on your team if you plan to go to war against them.

There are beautiful men and women in this world who are deeply caring and supportive as well as people who are suffering. They have taught me integrity patience, tolerance, compassion, resilience and self respect.

I am on THEIR team…

I feel deep joy sharing time and space with people who are loving and responsible, and the seed of hatred has been replaced by overflowing love towards my world and everyone in it as a result.

Somedays are more difficult than others, 
it's a daily practice, and it is WORTH IT!

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